Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Highland Park Police Department

This is my favorite discussion topic...mainly because its so fucked up! 

So Citizens of HP, what is the police supervision doing while your house is being broken into or your car is being stolen???

 Here we see Lt. Joelle Smith.  A real hard worker it seems.  HP Supervision at its finest!!
 Here's another one. This is Sgt. Couch hard at work at the department's LEIN terminal.  Tell me Sgt. Couch, how are you going to hear officers calling for help when your fast asleep? Who's answering the citizen's phone calls?? 

There's one picture I don't have, thats Sgt. Edwards.  Unfortunately when this useless poor excuse for an officer sleeps, she locks herself in the supervisor's office so know one can see her.

These photos were taken by concerned patrolmen who were concerned for there safety.  After all, when they need help, who's gonna come running?  Well it certainly isn't the Highland Park Police Supervisors, because you see how they spend their shift.

Your tax dollars hard at work, or should I say asleep!!!!

Here's the Channel 7 investigation:

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