Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Thats an interesting question.  The city is around 2 Square miles, most of which is residential.  From the looks of driving up and the down the streets, it would appear that a little less than half of the homes are even occupied.  So why is it so hard to keep order in a city of such small size?

Well the answer to that is simple:  MISMANAGEMENT

Who is running our police department? Ill give you a clue, shes a criminal herself.  Fired from Detroit PD for assault. Good choice Mayor Yopp!!  Oh, let me guess, your just going to sit back and say, "I had no idea this was going on," just like every other time channel 7 interviews you.  What a joke!  You are fully aware of what is going on in your city since you micromanage your Chief, Deputy Chief and allow the City Attorney to make decisions which he IS NOT Qualified to make.

Police Officers are sworn to uphold the Constitution, laws of the State of Michigan and Ordinances of The City of Highland Park. Yet, anytime one of your Police Officers attempts to do his or her job, their hands become tied behind their back and they look the other way.  Why is that ???  Well you cant blame the Officers.  The Police Officers of Highland Park are paid $15.00 an hour with no benefits to risk their life.  They are not paid overtime when they work over 40 hours a week. (last I checked this was illegal).  Well I wish I could say the only issue here was "you get what you pay for."  No, it goes way beyond that.  The simple matter of police work is that when you do your job properly, there are a certain amount of citizens that are going to be angry and make complaints.  Its the nature of the beast.  But the administration of Highland Park doesn't see it that way. As Lt. Joelle Smith has been quoted as saying, "The Citizens aint gonna lie on you."  and  "If they said it, you did it."  Really???!!!!   Thats just fricken ignorant!!  The officers drive around with blinders on because anytime that someone makes a complaint against them, that person is directed to go down to city hall and make a complaint with city administration.  The patrol supervisors no longer have the authority to investigate officer complaints.  The mentality of Highland Park administration is that if a complaint is made against you, its NOT investigated and YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY GUILTY.  Several officers, mostly white, have been fired for UNFOUNDED, and FRIVOLOUS complaints...Hmmmmmm....

So citizens, can you really blame your officers for doing the bare minimum, when they are constantly in fear of losing their jobs??  I dont.  Which is really sad.  The city is small enough that with the proper leadership, the drug dealers and addicts could be driven out.  But what can you expect when your administration includes convicted criminals.

Two Officers did try and put themselves out there and were instrumental in trying to get union representation for the police department.  So, what happened??  Of course the city failed to cooperate.  What about those officers?  You guessed it, both terminated for unfounded and frivolous complaints or accusations.

Mayor Yopp, stop pretending like you have no idea whats going on in your city and do something.  You say you care about the city and its employees so much, well put your money where your mouth is.

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